Modified southern pine fibers that resist compression, even when wet.

The process twists and curls standard fibers, then locks the coiled configurations in place. Helix® Fibers can add value to various end use applications:

Absorbent Hygiene Products
Helix® creates performance advantages with excellent fluid management due to fast liquid acquisition and the ability to wick against gravity.

Specialty Paper & Packaging Board
Both wet and dry, Helix® is an excellent bulking agent producing webs with high permeability and resistance to compression. Added to a paper or board, Helix® is a tool to achieve the desired balance of basis weight, caliper, performance and cost.

Helix® Fibers

Fiber innovations that differentiate your brand

Helps maintain pH at levels recommended for healthy skin
160% enhanced wet compression resistance vs fluff @0.1g/cm3
3.0 kinks per millimeter
0.63 curl index

Helix Absorption

Helix Rewet

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Caring for every life we touch is the fiber that unites us is a trademark of International Paper Company.